@Jules ... depend on which uboot you are refering.
If we are talking about loboris images, then you can copy the 1st 20MB from that image to something like : loboris-uboot.bin (using dd for example, dd if=loboris.img of=loboris-uboot.bin bs=1024 count=20480).
After that, create your own FAT starting from sector 40960 (512 byte/sector) with your needed size. Then create your ext2/ext4 partition directly after that FAT partition. After you format all of them, copy loboris-uboot.bin to unused area .. dd if=loboris-uboot.bin of=/dev/sdb
(after that you have to copy uImage and script.bin to the FAT partition, and linux rootfs image to the ext partition).
Hope is it helpful.