I've been playing with a small USB to serial display I had lying around.
It is a Pertelian x2040.
Below is how I got it working on Fedora Core 21 on my Orange Pi.
First install lcd4linux
sudo yum install lcd4linux
Next configure /etc/lcd4linux.conf.
As a starter you can copy
and store the contents in
Make sure you do
chmod 600 /etc/lcd4linux.conf
chown root.root /etc/lcd4linux.conf
Edit the file /etc/lcdlinux and near the end comment out the line
Display 'M50530-24x8'
by putting a # before it and uncomment the line for your device.
Next run the application
and bingo.
More info can be found here:
Info on how to start this during boot can be found here:
Attached is a picture from my screen with the default config.
First line is scrolling so it is a bit vague
Next line has 9 chars for CPU, 11 lchars for memory, but "CPU armv7" is 9 so it is immediately followed by "1001 MB RAM"
And of course it is also possible to display all other settings on the display (and with lirc it is even possible to display a small menu).
Enjoy, Frans
PS if you need more info on this feel free to leave a message in this thread or contact me on freenode, channel #orangepi, nickname eFfeM.
PPS: as you can see on the picture my pi could use a case, but as Aliexpess does not take paypal, it is difficult for me to order from Ali.
If you like the above and feel like donating me a case send me a PM for my address details.
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