post at 2015-10-22 04:29:07
Edited by chaszim at 2015-10-22 08:18
How do you go about porting this type of OS? How far down into the code do you need to go?
post at 2015-10-22 22:15:45
First post updated with a DROPBOX download link (I have fixed a few bugs as well)
post at 2015-10-22 23:19:43
fritz replied at 2015-10-22 03:48
you're joking, right?
Come on
MEGA, somehow when people try to download it, it asks for a decryption key which I have no idea what it is (may be I entered once a password and forgot about it)
Dropsend; kind of a joke, first time it stalls on 99.93% (5 seconds left). Second attempt it stalls on 99,95%. Makes me wonder if it is a legit site or just a prank...
Dropbox, yeah but as I have the free account the bandwith is limited, could you possibly download it from the dropbox link I have provided and reshare it though MEGA (the right way) ?
post at 2015-10-22 23:32:49
chaszim replied at 2015-10-22 04:29
How do you go about porting this type of OS? How far down into the code do you need to go?
Good questions.
Dietpi is based on raspbian but it is snapier as the goal is performance. It starts very minimal but has a lovely installation menu that lets you choose what you need (from mate, XDE, LAMP server, etc). It has an incremental update system that is simple and fast.
I had to edit the code so it would detect an Orange pi (by default it was detected as a Raspberry Pi 1 with 512MB of ram) and also the code to detect the temperature as in the rpi you need to divide the value reported by /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu$i/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freqby 1000 whereas in the Opi the value there is already the temperature in Celsius
Most of the work consisted in preserving the orange patches throughout the dietpi updates
post at 2015-10-22 23:42:17
Regarding MEGA, if people send me a PM with their email address I can then share the file through MEGA. No idea how to share a file though MEGA with everybody (the right way!)
post at 2015-10-23 01:25:00
The second d/l site works just fine, so your Mega use, is kind of a mute point, I wouldn't let it upset me.
The ISO unzips to about 2.28gb, so I'm using a 16gd SD.
In you first post though, the link to you site needs a small edit "".
And good news is my offical case showed up in the mail today, so, I'm not haked no more.
Doesn't the system need a Swap file set up? If id does, it's typically 2x the working ram.
post at 2015-10-23 02:14:28
Good thing your case showed up in the mail today, my powersupply also showed up today and the pi does not crash anymore, so it was a problem with the power adaptor
the dietpi-configscript (which is launcher upon first login) lets you setup a swap file with a size of your choosing.
By default is 100MB with swappiness 1, so it is only used to avoid out of memory situations
post at 2015-10-23 02:25:48
Edited by chaszim at 2015-10-23 02:33
The Yellow on Green contrast is interesting.
I'm likely going to need to wipe and start over, because I pulled the keyboard out while loading, it's still loading but, not sure weather to trust it yet or not.
I didn't notice but (as a debian based distro), did you allow selection of repository location? The ones closer to the end-user are usually far faster to access.
post at 2015-10-23 02:49:50
venividivici replied at 2015-10-22 16:42
Regarding MEGA, if people send me a PM with their email address I can then share the file through ME ...
"The right way":
1.On MEGA folder right click on file you intend to share.
2.Chose get link it will pop up "Copyright Warning"
3.Click on I agree it will open "Export file links and decryptions keys"
4.On the left corner "Export:" click on Folder/File link chose Full link.
Now you should see the full link, something like that:!9NtHxJXX!_HuBNmt7IRvIbaYfyJ6Vo-hw40dXtk_Jps-eH98DT4E
copy and share it
post at 2015-10-23 03:28:47
well here's a good one, how long is is suppose to take to fully load? I told it to load Kodi and the lexi desktop, etc etc. It's been over an hour and I'm still loading from the repositories.