venividivici post at 2015-10-23 19:06:56

yes, the software installation menu (it is really easy just run dietpi-software and select what you want with the space bar) has some load balancing software ready to go

venividivici post at 2015-10-23 19:07:33

First post updated with full Mega download link (thanks Fritz for the mini-howto)

chaszim post at 2015-10-23 19:29:21

Edited by chaszim at 2015-10-23 19:52

venividivici replied at 2015-10-23 14:47
I suggest you try to overwrite uImage and script.bin on the fat partition with the ones from a dis ...
I suggest you try to overwrite uImage and script.bin on the fat partition with the ones from a distro where the monitor works well.
Another thing to try is to install
xserver-xorg-video-vesa                     - X.Org X server -- VESA display driver
I thought "uImage and script.bin", were unique to the build they were suppling, so, I never gave them a thought and never gave x-drivers a thought either.
Hey, does that mean I could swap a working copy of, uImage and script.bin into OSMC or OpenElec, and they start wroking on the Orangepi???We do desirve to have them going for us, but, that's a subject for another thread.

venividivici post at 2015-10-23 20:41:05

uImage is the kernel and it has to be a match the /lib/modules/X.Y
As far as I know the orange pi runs best with kernel 3.4.39 (otherwise you loose the wired nic )
So if you take a working uImage + scriptbin plus working /lib/modules/3.4.39 chances are you can get something at least booting.
openelec is special, you would have to unpack the system.img, replace the lib/modules and pack it again

chaszim post at 2015-10-23 22:52:09

e it

Edited by chaszim at 2015-10-24 11:37

openelec is special, you would have to unpack the system.img, replace the lib/modules and pack it again
Still scratching my head, that no ones done it so far, for this processor.
I'm going to give the swap out a try, in a little while. If humdrumb stuff stays out of my way today.

Edit: a many hours later (do to the software loading).
The swap worked it boots, but the installed software doesn't like it very much

cico post at 2015-10-24 14:22:30

I installed dietpi /owncloudon my oragngepi pc. worksfine.
the whole installation is easy ,:), thanks!
I will tested kodi and some other option

Have you thought about seafile ?

chaszim post at 2015-10-24 22:41:44

Edited by chaszim at 2015-10-26 04:31

It's not Dietpi's fault that Kodi is not loading. Kodi-bin holds most of it's dependencies needed. The repository they resides in, is missing from sources.list.But, this exercise has given me a better ideas on how stuff works.

chaszim post at 2015-10-26 04:38:50

Edited by chaszim at 2015-10-26 06:54

As usual "The Plop Sickens" (correct me if I'm wrong here, but)
"Kodi-bin" is missing from the arm repositories. But, it could be loaded to about any of the working OrangePi OS's, via archive packageing.
And, it is available, but, when you go find the "Kodi-bin" package, grab and open it with package manager,
it says, missing dependancies (something like)"libavcodec-ffmpeg56".
I'm guessing this is still in the development stage for all the arm processors, so, it should be in Ubuntu Whilly. Do we then need to add "Ubuntu (bleeding edge) Willy" to the "sources.list" ?

venividivici post at 2015-10-26 22:05:56

I would not mix debian repos with ubuntu ones, very hot waters.
Have you tried running dietpi-bugreportand write there what is missing with Kodi?
Try it, it takes just a few seconds, very straight forward...

chaszim post at 2015-10-27 06:08:26

Edited by chaszim at 2015-10-27 06:25

At that rate you couldn't use Lubuntu or Ubuntu packages either. I'm going back to Lubuntu for a while, I really need to get Kodi up before my 19th nervous breakdown. :biggrin:
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