jernej post at 2016-11-15 02:08:21

meadrocks replied at 2016-11-14 17:15
Got the board, hooked it all up. Flashed the card, booted, and it worked correctly. I tried it with...

4K is something that doesn't work on BSP kernel. HDMI controller supports it, but video compositing unit has some troubles with it. It is not clear yet if it is HW limitation or only driver issue. I would say the latter, given that there seems to be 4K support in the driver code. I can't really debug issue since I don't have 4K display.

Tina post at 2016-12-21 14:43:28

According to the specs:

All Orange PI's exept OPI PC2:
Mali-400MP2 (MP2 -> dual core GPU) -> only supports up to 1080. see here

Mali-450 Hexa Core (MP6) -> supports up to 4k resolution. see here

jernej post at 2016-12-21 23:35:31

I guess I must check if there is a way to have 1080p GLES GUI on 4K resolution (using HW scaling). I heard that 4K desktop otherwise works just fine.

rakovm post at 2017-8-22 15:09:55

Hey guys, i hope thats the correct threat to write in. I bought OPI Lite and firstly i installed LibreELEC, the interface worked great, but when i wanted to watch something like Youtube or Covenant i always had problems. Today i decided to install OpenELEC and is absolutely same situation. Youtube is suuuper slow, works more or less only on 240p but thats not ok. I was thinking its from my connection and tried it on speedtest - 30mbps, which means thats not the issue. Is there anyone who had succesfully installed and didnt had any issues with OPILite + Kodi?

chaszim post at 2017-8-23 04:21:29

Edited by chaszim at 2017-8-23 04:28

I'm not sure if this could be a possible cause, but, I see, as of Kodi 17, Kodi, no longer includes, the "script dependency", that handles "RTMP streaming transfer", from within Kodi.
This is an omission that would filter down into the OpenELEC & LibreELEC branches, and, would limit the stream handling ability, that Kodi had. I have no clue, why it is no longer being included.
But, the script, is actually still available, here @: ...
Would this be something, the forks would need to deal with?

RagnerBG post at 2017-8-24 15:53:13

rakovm replied at 2017-8-22 15:09
Hey guys, i hope thats the correct threat to write in. I bought OPI Lite and firstly i installed Lib ...

Where did you get OpenELEC image from? Last time i tried jernej port on OpiONE, everything worked fine, except 4k videos, because of insufficient RAM (512Mb). OpiLite is pretty much the same. Images are here - If, for some reason, latest build doesn't work, try some older.

rakovm post at 2017-8-24 19:29:29

Hey there, yeap exactly the same official images. :) I dont know why but had maany problems with it. Now i installed H3Droid to try Kodi on it and is 100 times faster and even fullhd is working... Strange. I dont know. BTW i think we are from the same country :)

RagnerBG post at 2017-8-26 03:39:49

Раков, да сега забелязвам :). Здравей.
Android is working, but is not so good for Kodi, as OpenELEC. It have heavy load and in most Android builds, for some reason, only 2 CPU cores are recognized. You can try older build from the above link. For some reason latest builds from git, i made, want boot at all, even if this prebuilt image looks older. Or you can try image for Orange Pi One, which i am sure was working with hw acceleration, but i don't have the board anymore to try. It will work fine on Orange Pi Zero, except for wifi maybe, but you can try playback and load.
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