meadrocks post at 2016-11-9 03:26:17

Will this work?

jernej post at 2016-11-9 03:49:27

From what I saw, yes. It doesn't state that voltage levels are 3.3V but chip datasheet says so. I would measure TX line before it is first plugged in just to be sure.

meadrocks post at 2016-11-9 04:15:00

Edited by meadrocks at 2016-11-9 04:18

Standard USB type A male and TTL 6 pin connector. 6 pins for 3.3V, RST, TXD, RXD, GND, 5V.
How do I connect it to the OPi? Are there baud rates I need to set in minicom, parity, data bits, stop bits? Wow its been a long time since I used minicom, not since the 80's with BBSs & modems.

jernej post at 2016-11-9 04:20:04

On board you can find small 3 pin header,
1. GND -> GND
2. RX -> TX
3. TX -> RX

Do not connect anything else, like power. Communication is at standard 115200, 8N1

meadrocks post at 2016-11-9 04:52:09

well Amazon has a delivery date of Dec 6 - Dec 22, darn. You may get the thing solved before the device even arrives & I can help you.

What is the link to the page of the downloads so I can keep up to date?

jernej post at 2016-11-9 04:57:22

Probably I won't solve it, because I don't have TV, so no such problems.

Which downloads? You mean updates? You will get notification inside Kodi.

meadrocks post at 2016-11-9 05:17:42

You seem to make new images about every 2 months, I assume you'll make an image when Kodi 17 gets released.

jernej post at 2016-11-9 05:19:43

I wouldn't count on that...

meadrocks post at 2016-11-9 05:33:07

Edited by meadrocks at 2016-11-9 05:34

Last time I looked Openelec isn't a rolling release, they'll make a new release when Kodi 17 gets released. I don't think Openelec will upgrade to 17 from 16. I know it didn't going from 15 to 16. Thats when I switched from Openelec to Xbian on my RPis because it should upgrade from 16 to 17.
Also I do appreciate all the work you've done making a Kodi release for the OrangePi boards. I'm happy to help you debug the TV thing when my USB board arrives.

meadrocks post at 2016-11-15 00:15:01

Edited by meadrocks at 2016-11-15 00:16

Got the board, hooked it all up. Flashed the card, booted, and it worked correctly. I tried it with 3 other sd cards including the 1 that had previously failed & they all worked. Strange. I did notice that the thing that takes the longest time is the resize fs, on my 32 Gig cards it took over 10 minutes for the resize to complete. I wonder if people aren't being patient enough to allow it to complete. Other than that on the Samsung TV it works great, mpeg2, 264 & 265 content played beautifully. Today I connected it to a Seiki 4K TV, set the resolution to 4K & it does not work, even after a reboot. After a few minutes the OPi is overheating, i can smell the plastic case getting hot, had to unplug it. After a reboot or two it went back to 1920x1080. I was really hoping that 4K mode would work.
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