hello i am trying to add the goodix,gt9xx touch driver. i am using OPI plus 2E, downloaded the android source which contains the android and lichee folders.
the linux kernel is linux-4.4.55, i downloaded the driver from https://github.com/goodix/gt9xx_driver_android/blob/master/documents/Potring_Guide.md
as we know lichee is trying to merge the config.fex file and convert it to dtb file, so there is no dts file only few dtsi files for pinctrl.
the goodix driver is telling to put the device tree properties inside the dts file which it doesn't exists.
would you please help me getting this to work?
i will be using i2c0 AKA twi0 on PA11 and PA12
irq pin is PA0
reset pin is PA1
what should i do ? i tried to put those properties inside the dtsi file under twi0 property but no luck.
thank you.