Honza Prelacka shared this on Facebook:
Let me share OPI PC PLUS ANDROID image based on official firmware offers:
1) working WiFi, LAN
2) OS in english
3) working, non chinese app launcher
4) fixed CPU crazy overvolting and overheating (heatsink still required!!!)
5) Youtube, Playstore, Gmail is available ...
How to install:
1) download, unrar
2) burn image using Win32DiskImager or DD to 8GB micro SD card
3) boot the device from the SD card, it starts armbian... don't be scared
4) follow the onscreen instructions, but basically you should run "./burn" script
5) wait burn process to finish
6) run "shutdown now"
7) remove the sd card, unplug the power
8) plug the power back and boot your device
9) wait few moments, it will take time till all aps are loaded
Credits goes to people around Armbian for their great work.
Download link: