Edited by darqoq at 2015-10-26 11:41
First, of all try:
1. /system/bin/lircd --uinput -H devinput -d /dev/input/event4 /etc/lircd/lircd.conf --pidfile=/etc/lircd/lircd.pid --output=/dev/lircd -L /etc/lircd/lircd.log
then /system/bin/irw /dev/lircd, then start pressing button on your remote.
2. If still not working download files form "debug" folder (on my mega) and replace on your Android, then
run start_lirc_debug.sh then /system/bin/irw /dev/lircd, then start pressing button on your remote.
Read log (/etc/lircd/lircd.log) and find your problem.