This post was finally edited by bluesman at 2023-1-16 01:03
I had originally installed Android 12 to the NVME drive, which worked reasonably well.
I noted earlier today that the Orange Pi OS images had finally been uploaded to the globally accessible part of the site, so I downloaded the one for the NVME drive and following the same instructions that I used to install Android 12, attempted to flash Orange Pi OS.
But moments after clicking the upgrade button, the error 'download boot fail' was returned and I am unabke to proceed further.
I had a look at the options under the Advanced Function tab (which I have successfully used in the past) but no matter what option is used, an error is received.
I checked the user manual but there is nothing related to recovery and errors (not even how to use the revovery button on the board).
So how do I flash to get rid of Android 12 and replace with Orange Pi OS to the NVME drive?
I note that on previous versions of the Rockchip Dev tol that there was a specific eraseflash button that is missing from this latest version (2.96)