Edited by adn at 2015-11-12 02:43
Chears mate!
Hi Ospree,
With the latest kernel it seems OK.
My OPI-PC is with active cooling at constant (low) RPM (almost without noise, 12V fan is rotating fine supplied with 5V from the board) and heatsink attached with adhesive double sided thermal conductive tape.
I'm waiting for new copper ones.
Kali 2.0 (sana) running XFCE
45C -> under no load
80C -> haevy load
Without heatsink and fan Allwinner's H3 stays at about 65C. (no load, room temperature - 25C, in this test the OPI-PC case is not used)
This kind of SoC's with BGA footprint don't dissipate the heat well. They're not engineered to do it well.
Do you have a clue how can I manage the build-in thermometers?
How can we control the fan speed (e.g. using PWM)?
I'm reading /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp or /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone1/temp to view the current SoC tempereture.