Edited by doctor1003148 at 2019-10-15 13:46
Hi, guys!
I tried to run MotionSensorExample on Orange Pi One, and have got some outputs.
Originally MotionSensorExample is a sample program for testing your MPU Motion Sensor with Rasperry Pi. I successfully ran it on Orange Pi, and someone might think this useful.
My Orange Pi One runs Armbian_5.90_Orangepione_Ubuntu_bionic_next_4.19.57
The MPU sensor I use is MPU9150. I connect it to my orange pi one's i2c0 using only four wires,which are 5V->pin 2, SDA->pin 3, SCL->pin 5, and GND->pin 6. (my mpu9150 module uses 5V power supply)
1.First install i2c-tools to see i2c devices and for debugging purpose.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install i2c-tools
2.Run armbian-config to enable i2c device,which is armbian-config ----> system ----> hardware ----> i2c0 use space key to select, and save, and reboot your Orange Pi One.
By the way, if the mpu sensor was connected the way like SDA->pin 3 and SCL->pin 5, i2c0 should be open. I tried to open i2c1 to see if I can skip step 5 below or not. It turned out that the mpu9150 was no longer detected.
3.use i2cdetect to locate the MPU sensor.
sudo i2cdetect -y 0
4.Clone MotionSensorExample code from github
git clone https://github.com/rpicopter/MotionSensorExample.git
5. cd to MotionSensorExample/libs/I2Cdev and modify all the three '/dev/i2c-1' to '/dev/i2c-0' in file I2Cdev.c (I think maybe because of that the raspberry pi use i2c-1 as default)
If you missed this step, you may get a "Failed to write device" error.
6. cd to MotionSensorExample/MotionSensor and modify '-DMPU6050' to '-DMPU9150' in Makefile (As in the README file, you can use MPU6050/MPU6500/MPU9150/MPU9250)
If you missed this step, you may get another "No such device or address"error.
7.cd back to MotionSensorExample and run 'make' , and you should see a new executable file named 'mstest' , and you can then run it.