- Download:
"OrangePi-rk3399_Ubuntu16.04-Server_20171227.img"--change to the debian image
- Start Linux on PC
- Unpack .tar.gz via "tar xvf OrangePi-RK3399_Linux4.4_V1.0_2018_0110.tar.gz" - it will create a subfolder "rk-linux", no need to create any folders
- In folder "rk-linux" create folder "out"
- Put in "out" folder the Ubuntu .img(debian.img) file and rename it to "system.img" (if you dont rename it, then modify the flashing command correspondently)
- Short connect the two pins and connect board via type-C to USB 2.0 in your PC - you may need to repeat this step if the following step gives error
- Run "./build/flash_tool.sh -c rk3399 -p system -i out/system.img" from "rk-linux" folder