Edited by eld1e6o at 2018-5-3 11:51
There is somebody that knows how to enable the Orange Pi as a gadget serial on Orange Pi OS?
There is some site on the wiki http://linux-sunxi.org/USB_Gadget/Serial that indicates how to, but with his kernel version.
I tried to enable this from https://github.com/orangepi-xunlong/OrangePiH5_kernel.git but I can only compile the .config by default, when try to change the configurations, I receive a lot of questions about modules (and I have no idea what modules I will need).
Also, when I try to use the linux-sunxi repo, from https://github.com/linux-sunxi/linux-sunxi , I have no idea how to compile it.
I think that it is an imprescindible feature, and in other distros is enabled by default.
Beyond that, I'm interested to compile the Orange Pi OS and emulate a HID device (such as a mouse).
Thanks for all!