Hey guys,
I wanted to use the 2G Module on my OPi 2G-IOT, but after receiving
(sometimes I even get some infos more)
the whole system hangs (no interaction through DebugTTL, SSH and no response to ping).
I tried multiple PSUs, for one I have the Raspberry PI PSU with 5.1V 2,5A, and two laboratory PSUs, one with a limit of 3A and one with a limit of 5A.
an example of the communication:
- AT
- OK
- OK
- +CREG: 1,10
- OK
- +CSQ: 0,0
- OK
- OK
- +CTZV:18/2/28,15:51:5,4
- +CIEV: service, 1
- +CIEV: roam, 0
- +CREG: 1
Copy code I also tried the example programs, but the system hangs also with them.
Might this be a hardware defect?