Edited by luxmile at 2017-5-19 09:09
Hi @TheLinuxBug,
Very appreciate on your work, that's a great idea to make it as an installer instead of a raw image. 
Just wondering, is there any reason to keep the partitions structure intact?
I mean, seems there are too many unknown purpose partitions while we actually needed only some of them:
/boot, /cache, /system, /data, and /userdata partitions (+ may be /recovery partition),
can we change the structures by also manage initial boot and mounting scripts at boot.cmd and ramdisk?
Just curious, whether we can adopt the partition structures on AndroidX86,
it use only a single partition with mount-bind command on /cache, /system, and /data inside its ramdisk scripts,
with this single partition, we can easily put some linux distributios on a one storage device,
imagining multiboot Android+Ubuntu/Debian/RetrOPie+Open/LibreElec in one microsd card,
Btw, I've done my own multi-boot Ubuntu/Debian/RetrOPie and Open/LibreElec by manipulating boot.cmd on Armbian image,
but having trouble with OPi Android partition structure, especially on boot partition,
and based on your work (thx anyway), itu would be easier to me to step forward make Android as one of my multi-boot linux OSes...