Hello everybody.
I'am planinig to route my own board based on the H3 SoC. I have a lot of questions and now I am putting here some of them I want to use two chips configuration like in orange pc (and many other orange boards) - http://pan.baidu.com/s/1eQEv12i . It's standard 16bit x 2 configuration. But if you look on the schematic you will see that it implements two chip select connection. So we can use dual memory chips, but instead this single chips are fitted on the standard orange PC boards. I am planing to use standard memory configuration for testing, like in orange PC board (two single 16 bit chips). But it would be perfect to change it if necessary. I have several questions and I will be happy if someone helps me.
1) According to datasheets (and reference schematics) we can use dual chips. So can we use H5TC8G63AMR chips? Two such chips are more expensive than four smaller chips but this configuration can be useful in some cases. I can's see fundamental problems to use it, but I can be wrong. And the main thing... What changes in fex files must we do? As I understand detailed dram controller registers datasheet is not availibale now 
2) Is it possible to run H3 in 16bit data bus mode? Only 32bit mode is declared in datasheet (but it seems this datasheet is not complete), but may be it is possible to use 16 bit bus and someone knows it? In this case we can use only one chip.