AlthoughQuickBooks Desktop has a reputation as a perfect software, there are stilltechnical issues that cause QuickBooksfreezing problem. One of the main reasons for such issues withQuickBooks is that this software contains different codes and algorithms.Talking about how to freeze or crash QuickBooks desktop again, we can concludethat the software repeatedly hangs and does not exist even when you try to shutit down. Instead, a new off-screen window is generated that runs in thebackground. Methods to troubleshoot QuickBooks Desktop freezing problem
Solution 1:Edit the DAT and DDF files Solution 2 isable the input services Solution 3:Make & Restore the Portable Company File Solution 4:Use the Rebuild Data tool Solution 5:Uninstall the QuickBooks desktop software Solution 7:Clear the browser cache and temporary files Solution 8:Use the QuickBooks refresher tool Solution 9:Use the Task Manager to close QB-related programs If you encounter challenges completingthese steps, reach out to our QuickBookssupport team for assistance. Our technical experts will promptly addressyour concerns and help resolve the issue. You can contact our experts bydialing our helpline at +1-800-360-4183.