I need to upgrade rga lib on rk 3588, and there is the the instruction how to do this in readme:
But I can find path where to insert upgraded files:
可通过以下方式更新驱动: 同步SDK RGA multicore Device Driver 支持搭载RGA2/RGA3的芯片。 <kernel_path>/driver/video/rockchip/rga3
I opened an issue for this:
And the answer was that
这个路径不在你的开发板上,而在开发板厂商提供的Linux SDK中。如果你没有这个SDK,你可以向开发板厂商索要或者去开发板的官网上找找。这是我的SDK中对应的路径,可以确认这个路径是存在的。
So as I understand there is the SDK that orangepi should provide.
Where can I dowload this SDK?