This post was finally edited by elsabz at 2023-5-31 03:47
Hello Orange pi forum, I need to have a GPIO interrupt on Orange PI5. I have successfully installed WiringOP and I am using it with C code. The problem is that the interrupt is not working, and I am receiving the following error. How can I proceed? Does anyone know how to enable the WiringOP interrupt on the GPIO PIN?
Code C : #define AUX 13wiringPiISR(AUX, INT_EDGE_FALLING, &MyFunction);
Error: wiringPiISR: unable to open /sys/class/gpio/gpio92/value: No such file or directory
PS. I have just successfully installed this version: Armbian 23.02 Jammy Gnome and Orangepi5_1.1.4_ubuntu_jammy_desktop_xfce_linux5.10.110 is the same