Edited by moinejf at 2015-10-17 16:23
I am also working (slowly) on the mainline kernel.
A first patch on the kernel 4.2 from Jens did boot with one CPU at slow speed and the UART.
I update Jens's patch for the kernel 4.3, but I should have done some error: the kernel does not boot and there is no trace because no UART!
Anyway, I uploaded this patch on my site - see http://moinejf.free.fr/opi2/.
Pratically, I build the kernel on my OPI2 (kernel 3.4) with gcc-5.2.1. At the end of generation (including the copy of the .dts at the end of the kernel), as root, I just copy the uImage to the first partition of the SDcard (with a name different of the 3.4) and install the modules.
To test the kernel, I reboot, stopping the automatic start in the U-boot, and replacing the 'uImage' name in the 'boot_normal' variable.
Otherwise, I tried to write a rtl8189es driver starting from the 8188ee, but I have only a few knowledge about SDIO, so,
I am writing a DRM video driver...