Edited by rizapn at 2016-4-5 20:21
For someone who like to try bananapi version of openwrt running in our OrangePI :
1) download the banana pi openwrt image from their site (Use the Mi+ version). Here is the direct link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/ ... FE/view?usp=sharing
2) Write that image to the disk. I use windows version (win32 disk imager).
3) Copy the ext partition to the file ==> dd if=/dev/sdX2 of=bananapi-mip-openwrt.img
4) Download ubuntu / debian image for OrangePi from loboris : http://www.orangepi.org/orangepi ... wthread&tid=342
5) Write image to the disk.
6) copy bananapi-mip-openwrt.img to the ext partition of that disk ==> dd if=bananapi-mip-openwrt.img of=/dev/sdX2
7) Test it ... everything, including built-in Ethernet should work. BUT there will be a repeated watchdog notification.
Basically, we use uImage from ubuntu image, and use ext part from bananapi-mi-plus openwrt image.
I believe the watchdog alarm is coming from the "wrong" uImage version that I use. So, if I can use the good (or compile) uImage, and combine it with banana-pi-mi-plus openwrt, we will get the working openwrt for orangepi.
I want to try uImage from this thread, but still no luck (not working). Maybe somebody else can try it, and combine it using my method.
Thank you,