Indeed, Mo123's offering does indeed seem quite stable.
When you compare it to any of the other Andrid offerings, it takes things towards a level that we would want to see from official releases.
The last official Android 12 releae was at the end of March, 7 months ago.
The last officua release of their heavily advertised but oh so half finished Orange Pi OS was early April, nigh on 7 months ago too.
It has become clear that the hardware manufacturer has had zero interest in anything other than selling hardware for a long time now. They are mere box shifters.
So when we see something coming from an individual that offers the kind of hope and functionality that we should be seeing, then we should give things a chance, report bugs and ideas back, so we can can potentially see something even better.
Thi is the first (and as far as I am aware only) Android releas that has no Kodi 'green screen' isues so prevalent with H265/HDR to date. This alone is a huge bonus from where I sit and although not perfect, it is still light years ahead of anything rlse so far.
For those that are testing that are experiencing instability issues, they simply need to explain the issues with enough detail for the develper to recreate the same issue(s), in order for analysis and resolution to be applied to make things even better,