Edited by carlospiles at 2016-5-10 20:19
Hi to everybody:
I'm new to the forum. First of all, thanks to loboris for the work done. I've tested all the ubuntu flavor from loboris on OPI-PC and i've got troubles with USB's and Networking. Each distro failing with diverse items. I've manage to solve them and add Mali suport and GPIO to the kernels, so you get 3D acceleration out-of-the box. That's why I'd like to share this images with all of you.
I've focused on PC-like linux not on Multimedia, so no tests on sound and video decoding. I've added spanish language support natively to the images to make it easierfor spanish speakers. (I'm from Spain)
Anyway, [url=https://mega.nz/#F!WBEXXLqQ!Yp8AsufjM59CdgHw7oUCKA]here[/url] is my work.