This post was finally edited by PDP12 at 2023-10-19 04:22
This post was finally edited by PDP12 at 2023-10-13 22:53
I have an Orange Pi Zero 2W and installed Orange Pi OS (Arch). It comes up with the desktop environment, connects to my bluetooth mouse, and connects to my home wifi. So, before doing anything else it seems to working great.
However, if I try to ping www.google.com I get the error that it is unknown. If I try sudo apt update it fails. If I open Chromium I cannot get to any websites. If I enter iwconfig it shows that it's connected to my home wifi. I tried adding nameservers to /etc/resove.conf but no help.
Is there any way to get it to use the wifi connection?
Update: the issue was that the little antenna wire that comes with the board had fallen off and once I reattached it everything works as it should.