Hi kpox,
I was trying to install lxc on my orange pi pc but I can´t. I did the following steps:
1) Upgrade the kernel
wget http://loboris.eu/update_kernel.sh
sudo mv update_kernel.sh /usr/local/bin
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/update_kernel.sh
sudo update_kernel.sh test
2) apt-get install lxc lxctl cgroup-bin cgroup-tools libcgroup1
3) try to check the lxc-checkconfig and give me the following error:
# lxc-checkconfig
Kernel configuration not found at /proc/config.gz; searching...
lxc-checkconfig: unable to retrieve kernel configuration
Try recompiling with IKCONFIG_PROC, installing the kernel headers,
or specifying the kernel configuration path with:
CONFIG=<path> lxc-checkconfig
Could you help me with that please?
I have installed the debian 8 mini. without xfce
I tryed a lot of things but I didn´t see what is the error.