Edited by Ospree at 2015-11-7 05:10
The power button does nothing on my OPI PC too. Acording to schematics it is connected, so maybe there is a driver missing ... that's not so important for me.
Regarding the non booting boards - I will recomend to you to contact the seller. I guess you bought the from Aliexpress, just return them back and get a replacement. This is the safest way.
The Ethernet leds lith in this way is a simptom of wrong image. I had the same problem using an image for OPI 2 or OPI PLUS. Then I took the ubuntu image from loboris and it worked. My board was booting up with the OPI 2 image just the Ethernet was not working and I get only one USB port working. But this is already documented in the forum and there is a lot of information available.