Edited by Konhaivo12 at 2019-12-17 14:23
Hello everyone,,
I am using single board computers for quite some time. My first was Banana Pi Pro which i bought somewhere 2014 as soon as it was released. It was much better for my use then Raspberry in those days. After that i bought Orange Pi Pc/ Raspberry Pi 3/ Orannge pi zero. They all worked 24/7 running different stuff. All had good power supplys and memory cards. Banana pi Pro is still running, Raspberry Pi 3 also but Orange Pi Pc simply died after about 6-8 months. It was running with same type of psu as banana pro. Orange pi zero had strange issue of randomly freezing on any OS it was to unreliable for any usage and after several attemts it just died and become completely unresponsive to anything even no output to serial. Now i want to know does this happenes to other people to or I am just unlucky one that got bad units? Was that child sickness of early boards? Are new boards improved in quality?