I'm trying to see the uboot messages on the debug serial console which is next to the 5V input on OrangePI PC but there is nothing comming. The LAN port lights are lit I set the USB-to-TTL to 115200 bps the RX to TX , the TX to RX and GND-GND. Can it be a power problem or there is something wrong with the board and how can I test it ?
With a card it booted armbian ! At least the board is fine ! Still what I read about the FEL mode is that the board should go into it if there is no card. Is it possible the u-boot messages to be on UART 2 or 3 ?
Did you power up the USB TTL adapter first or after powering the board? Yes, sounds like a stupid question but I had experience that the adapter had to be up first to get any output at all.