Edited by Joe_PS at 2017-12-20 00:44
Dear all,
Yesterday I ordered an Orange Pi Zero Plus, which will be used together with an external USB 2.0 HDD as a "mini NAS", particular for streaming flac files as a DLNA (UPnP) music server using OpenMediaVault and the miniDLNA plugin. Since the Orange Pi Zero Plus will be placed next to the router/switch (FRITZ!Box), I like to use LAN only. I am going to install this Armbian OMV Image: https://sourceforge.net/projects ... .13.img.xz/download
How can I disable Wi-Fi completely (that it is even not started)?
Is the same command like described here for the Zero model also valid for the newer Zero Plus model?
"(sleep 60 && echo 000 >/proc/driver/wifi-pm/power) &"
Additionally, I kindly ask yout to describe
- What stuff from /etc/modules do I need to remove for ensuring that Wi-Fi is disabled? And how to remove?
- What needs to be done regarding start/reboot that Wi-Fi keeps always disabled?
Many thanks in advance, and kind regards,