Edited by nopnop2002 at 2017-11-9 21:13
Try this.
This is for Opi-ZERO.
If you want to use this with Opi-PC/Opi-Lite/Opi-ONE,
You need update OPi/pin_mappings.py.
But i don't test it.
_pin_map = {
# Physical pin to actual GPIO pin
3: 12,
5: 11,
7: 6,
8: 13,
10: 14,
11: 1,
12: 110,
13: 0,
15: 3,
16: 68,
18: 71,
19: 64,
21: 65,
22: 2,
23: 66,
24: 67,
26: 21,
27: 19,
28: 18,
29: 7,
31: 8,
32: 200,
33: 9,
35: 10,
36: 201,
37: 20,
38: 198,
40: 199
# BCM pin to actual GPIO pin
BCM: {
0: 19,
1: 18,
2: 12,
3: 11,
4: 6,
5: 7,
6: 8,
7: 21,
8: 67,
9: 65,
10: 64,
11: 66,
12: 200,
13: 9,
14: 13,
15: 14,
16: 201,
17: 1,
18: 110,
19: 10,
20: 198,
21: 199,
22: 3,
23: 68,
24: 71,
25: 2,
26: 20,
27: 0
EDIT:I tested.It's work fine.
git clone https://github.com/rm-hull/OPi.GPIO
cp OPi/pin_mappings.py OPi/pin_mappings.py.org
vi OPi/pin_mappings.py
Edit above
sudo python setup.py install