Can someone provide step by-step on how to get the camera module to work (ie. take a picture and save it as a JPG or PNG) on lubuntu, rasbian or armbian.
With "step-by-step" i mean what exactly is typed to a terminal (lxterminal)
Many guides talk about "gc2305.ko" and mention "modeprobe". For example when I type (I have Lubuntu)
sudo modproble gc2035[Enter]
..I get "modeprobe: ERROR could not insert 'gc2035': Exec format error".
I have Orange Pi One v. 1.3 which I bought with (ribbon) camera in a bundle.
Many instructions are relly vague and expect
If I type:
find /lib -name "*2035*"[Enter]
..I get "/lib/modules/3.4.39/gc2035.ko"
I have used RaspberryPi's for soem time so I have some idea how these work.