Edited by mikimoto at 2016-11-11 20:42
Hi everyone, i've been building a new distirbution based on armbian 5.2 server, on it has been compilled freepbx 13 and asterisk 13, i've added a webmin frontend for server management.
It's my first apportation, i'm not a pro, but i wanted to share it with the community.
The password for root is: "Armbian"
The password for the user admin on freepbx is: "admin"
In order to mount the image you need at least a 8gb sd card
Here is the link to the download:
(remember this image is for orange pi plus)*
Finally, if you want to resize the partition toget all the space available on your disk, use this command: update.rc firstrun defaults
Well, thanks for reading, and i hope it can be of some use to all of us.