Well, from what I've experienced RT kernel for OrangePi is not a possible thing, at least not now.
When you simple apply the RT patch, if you do not change nothing when build scripit prompts you, it will produce a kernel with Server preemptive model (No forced Preemption) and this one really do not have a good latency. You need a Fully Preemptive Kernel mode and I recommend to not use desktop distributions for that. But when you try to run it as Full RT it will crash. Well, at least until now, they made no fix for that. Look here https://forum.armbian.com/index. ... th-orangepi-plus-2/
I made a topic in Armbian forum and nothing was made to correct it. So, I think you better get one Atmega microcontroller and burn it with GRBL that you get it nice and working. |