Edited by bhgv at 2016-5-27 20:25
sources of firmware/docs for well known RTD2660/2662 hdmi/vga -> lvds/rgb converter. (http://pccar.ru/showthread.php?t=22851 andhttp://openrtd2662.ru/ for russian languaged)
reading the http://openrtd2662.ru/ rtd6220 can be controlled from external controller by i2c and has many unused possibilities. i didn't read the sources, but this controller is one from cheapest (from $11 for board on aliexpress) and the most popular. and maybe here is someone who want and can to write good opensource firmware (firmwares in the internet are closed and not so good) and linux control center (the best on python, no # or java)
// sorry for dublicate. i ask to moderators to remove one from copies if it's not allowed. but i think it is necessary to have a cheap small opensource hdmi->lvds coverter for cheap small pcs like orange/banana and other pis.