Hi there!
I'm very new to Orange Pi and I haven't even used a Raspberry Pi before. I bought an Orange Pi Zero LTS to use to play video on a portable monitor for a Halloween costume. Potentially a playlist of videos, or just a longer video with everything I want clipped together.
I followed this tutorial and got it to boot:
But I can't manage to get it to display to my stereo and tv (that's the only thing with vga-in that I have access to at the moment; I've ordered a vga to hdmi adapter).
I tried connecting the TV out pin to the vga (yellow) tv port-- ground connected to the outer ring and the TV out connected to the inner pin part. when I turn everything on though, nothing seems to happen.
Does the operating system I installed allow me to display a desktop? Or do I need to install something/change a setting for video to display? I'd settle for the Android OS if that'll make the process of video playback much easier. I haven't tried it yet though, because I don't want to go through the process of testing each OS to see if it works just yet.
And also, a few things I've been reading have made it seem like I can use an HDMI-USB cable to display, but I wanted to verify that before buying another cable.
Any help is greatly appreciated! |