Edited by barquerito at 2015-11-19 07:59
as I installed ubuntu-mate in my orange-pi-pc,
I cut the mhz above, CPU h3, so that the CPU speed ranged from a minimum of 480 MHz up to the limit set by me, much more conservative than 1.6 GHz, I understood that this lengthened the life of the CPU. and I just hope that the graphics acceleration mali400 a reality.
if not orthodox method, just hope it works.
my /etc/rc.local:
#! / bin / sh -e
# rc.local
echo 1008000> / sys / devices / system / cpu / cpu0 / cpufreq / scaling_max_freq
echo 1008000> / sys / devices / system / cpu / cpu1 / cpufreq / scaling_max_freq
echo 1008000> / sys / devices / system / cpu / cpu2 / cpufreq / scaling_max_freq
echo 1008000> / sys / devices / system / cpu / CPU3 / cpufreq / scaling_max_freq
echo 0> / proc / sys / kernel / hung_task_timeout_secs
dmesg -n 1
exit 0