Problem:My newly acquired Orange Pi Zero Plus 2 - H5 will not boot most of the distributions downloaded.
I have searched the forum and internet and don't find my particular situation. I'm tying to determine if I have a hardware or software issue for this version of the Orange Pi.
First, I understand that most problems involved in booting the OPi are related to power supply and SD Card. In light of this fact, I have purchased several (5 or 6 SD Cards in various sizes from 8GB to 64GB from reputable makers in speed from U1 and U3 - SanDisk being my most common purchase). Furthermore, I have used power supplies from the kit-supplies OPi wall wart to Apple 5 volt (2.1 amp) and generic regulated 3 amp supplies. All combinations seem to exhibit the same behaviour. I sincerely believe that these are not my root cause...
I have downloaded and flashed a number of the distributions on the "Resources" page.
Experience Level: I am an Electrical Engineer (PhD level education in Semiconductor Device Physics [I don't say this to seem bragadocious but to allow the conversation to move to any level appropriate] with experience in embedded systems, processor design and system architecture.) I've been running Linux systems for years and have SBC systems running with RPi and Tinker Board currently although I don't claim to be a kernel expert)
Orange Pi Zero Plus2 H5
Expansion Board (USB ports)
HDMI monitor
Logitech Wireless Keyboard/Mouse combo
I have downloaded several (Android, Ubuntu, Debian, Raspbian and Armbian). Each were expanded and written to the flash card with Etcher (MACOSX) or Win32 Disk Imager. Each shows a slightly different performance of LED but none boots to a usable desktop or CLI save Armbian. And, Armbian does not boot to a CLI consistently. Only about once in every 4 or 5 boot cycles will the CLI with Login prompt appear. However, at least Armbian displays the U-Boot system information on the monitor each time. Usually, this blanks and hangs at "Starting Kernel".
Originally, this sounded like a power supply problem but I'm doubting that - I don't see supply voltage dip when the kernel starts. (I have not put a shunt on the supply line to determine the instantaneous current draw...). Furthermore, IF I get to a command prompt, the system is rock solid in Armbian. Processor temperature is steady around 28-29C. Wireless performs well and all system software is up-to-date (apt-get update/upgrade).