Hi, I'm using armbian (Nightly 4.10.1) and when I trying to use 2 additional USB ports it do not work. Any USB devices is recognized by the OS. Devices i spowerd UP, 5V comes but there is no ifo about new devices in armbian (dmesg, lsusb do not show any new devce). USB port what is integrated on the main Orange Pi Zero board working fine without any issues. After new devices is connected I receiving information in dmesg and lsub.
I'm using extension board with 2 USB, Av and IR from Orange like from this bundle https://www.aliexpress.com/item/New-Orange-Pi-Zero-Set-6-Orange-Pi-Zero-512MB-Expansion-Board-Black-Case-development-board/32782429852.html?spm=2114.13010608.0.0.u1sTlN.
Anyone have idea how to switch on this additional USB 2.0 on ? I have to configere that or something ?