Hi everybody,
I am trying to get the camera module for the orangePi one to work reliably and with a good framerate.
What works: the camera, with motion software, at 2fps 800x600 resolution.
What I did:
I am running armbian http://www.armbian.com/orange-pi-one/
According to some posts here it was recommended to use this gc2035 driver https://github.com/avafinger/gc2035
So I cloned the repo, then setup an ubuntu VM with the armbian sources https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib, and built the driver.
To my surprise, the resulting binary gc2035.ko had the same checksum as the one included in the armbian dist... so I guess armbian already uses this enhanced driver.
Then I configured motion like explained here http://www.cnx-software.com/2015 ... -linux-with-motion/
I get just 2fps.
I then tried to add to /etc/modules soe of the parameters to gc2035, like hres=2 mclk=34. If I add any parameter, after boot up, gc2035 is not loaded.
If I load it manually, I can load with parameters. So that is one mystery, why it can not load at boot time.
I built mjpeg-streamer, it fails to open the video device.
I also tried to use vidcopy ... l2loopback-vidcopy/
With most gc2035.ko parameters, vidcopy aborts. With those where it works, the fps is still about 2fps.
I tried pretty much every combination of gc2035.ko parameters, and resolution, using vidcopy or not, and I still get about 2fps.
Anybody has any idea what is wrong here ?
Anybody has an OPi with the camera module working correctly ?
I am open to all info and comments...
Thanks !