nematocyst post at 2015-11-20 04:22:11

email validation

I registered a few days ago.At the time I was having ISP issues that likely interfered with my email domain.I never received the validation email.Since then I have repeatedly tried various other email addresses that don't depend on my home email server having connectivity.I have yet to get a single one, even after my ISP became reliable again.Is there possibly a forum problem sending those emails, or is there something I'm doing wrong?I've tried several emails sent to my domain, but some to as well.Haven't gotten one.

toxuin post at 2015-11-20 11:14:35

Edited by toxuin at 2015-11-19 19:15

This stupid forum does not support email technology at all. Probably has something to do with it being located in China.
I really hate it when I get a notification on the forum but not on my goddamn email. People probably think I'm an asshole for ignoring their replies and messages.

Ah, and you don't get an email confirmation. All members are confirmed manually be admin! Yay for high-tech, 21 century!

dx.l post at 2015-11-20 23:21:58

Everything's fine guys! This forum works on Potatoes PI as melanrz joke :)

murabat post at 2016-11-14 12:13:20

I didn't get any validation email also. Changing three email address didn't help.

freason post at 2016-12-21 20:42:34

didn't get any validation email too.

hal8000b post at 2021-1-16 07:43:45

I never got confirmation email either. Lookslike google has blocked email from China for me as well.

MarthaThomp post at 2023-8-12 18:19:55

One of the most often used parts of scraping websites is extracting email addresses. You need to follow this and learn more new ways for mass emails. Scraping Manager supports an advanced extraction rules for emails, you'll be able to extract emails from different domains, get emails from an entire page or extract multiple emails from a single page.
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