OrangePi Zero 2 + adafruit touchscreen input events
Edited by busatoa at 2021-6-15 15:41Hi everybody,
I'm new about orangepi soc,
I bought a OrangePi Zero 2 and I'm trying to interface it to AdaFruit 2.8" Touchscreen Resistive Display
( ... isplay-raspberry-pi),
I solved the first step about the display framebuffer , the interface is ili9341 , this is the command:
modprobe fbtft_device custom name=fb_ili9341 gpios=reset:69,dc:71 speed=65000000 rotate=90 busnum=1 cs=1 bgr=1 txtbuflen=65536
but I can't using the interface for input touch, it's based on stmpe610 so I tried to compile the kernelto include stmpe-ts module,
but modprobe stmpe-ts not produce any effects (I deployed the udev rules also, SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="stmpe-ts", ENV{DEVNAME}=="*event*", SYMLINK+="input/touchscreen").
have you any exeperience about it in order to help me to close this "knowledge loop"?
Note. I installed Ubuntu Bionic Desktop
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