samuele post at 2015-10-23 12:48:03

H265 - Hardware Accelerator

I would like to use Orange Pi+ for a video decoder project.
I've tried to use Raspbian and to build ffmpeg library in various way, unfortunately the hardware h265 decoder is not recognized.
May you give usa direction to use the hardware h265 decoder, please?
Which OS has the drivers to use it?
Kind Regards.

darqoq post at 2015-10-23 13:42:16

Currently, Android only.

fritz post at 2015-10-23 15:07:32


Tanuki post at 2015-11-9 02:05:47

Ubuntu has the H.265 decoder ... you should be able to load this library for any Debian or Debian derived OS.

I loaded it using the PPA, OrangePi+ Ubuntu Wily.You will have to edit the Additional Repository entry to set to Vivid.

hojnikb post at 2015-11-9 18:53:29

Yeah, but is it using hardware accelaration of the H3 ?
If its a pure software decoder, its pretty useless, as A7 is not powerfull enough on its own.

Rangarid post at 2015-11-13 17:57:09

There is no H265 hardware driver yet. But it looks like there is one for h264... Will test it once my orange Pi PC arrives. Hope h265 will be added to the driver soon as well.

Rangarid post at 2015-11-17 18:07:31

Ok that driver does not support Allwinner H3. Maybe it is possible to use the VPU drivers of Android with libhybris?

wailinygn post at 2016-10-8 15:18:54

How about Gstreamer?
I'm using Gstreamer
I'm testing video player in OPI PC and OPI LITE.
It has many plugins
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