[Solved] snapd installs but does not run properly on Ubuntu Server OPi...
Edited by Bazmundi at 2018-9-8 18:40Having given up on the joke that was the Ubuntu CORE 16 for OPiZ I elected to try the debian server.However, snapd install failed utterly on that (way too many errors during install which finally reported it was broken).
So, I downloaded the Ububntu Server for OPiZ and [https://docs.snapcraft.io/core/install-ubuntu] installed snapd successfully (no errors reported during install).
However, snap does not run properly [https://docs.snapcraft.io/core/usage ].
root@OrangePI:~# snap find hello
error: cannot list snaps: cannot communicate with server: Get http://localhost/v2/find?q=hello&scope=wide: dial unix /run/snapd.socket: connect: connection refused
I will often get a "cannot resolve host OrangePI" message when running sudo from root.
On reboot I keep getting "[FAILED Failed to start Snappy daemon" nessage in console.
From shell, when I type "systemctl status snapd.service" it gives the following output:
Failed to issue method call: No such interface 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties' on object at path /org/freedesktop/systemd1/unit/snapd_2eservice
Edited by Bazmundi at 2018-9-8 18:40
So, Ubuntu is telling me OPiZ Ubuntu Server 14.04 is unofficial, unsupported and official 14.04 is about to have support dropped.
So Ubuntu CORE 16 does no work on OPiZ.Ubuntu Server will install but not run snapd because it doesn't use systemd.
All in all, no reason to look at OPiZ and snap technology.
Snap is junk anyway :)
We provide Bionic builds. A bit less crappy than official https://www.armbian.com/orange-pi-zero/ Edited by Bazmundi at 2018-9-9 08:44
Snap is junk?
So I am finding, at least on OPiZ.
But, if I wanted to use snap, Armbian is also junk because snapd won't install on that either.
Or if I tried, and failed to install snapd on Armbian and needed support, someone on Armbian forum would want to talk off topic about what they know about some unrelated useless factiod.
To wit, rubber bands last longer if they are refrigerated.
Edited by igorpec at 2018-9-9 08:44
So I am finding, at least on OPiZ.
This is a general problem:
Snapd is a Canonical way of reinventing the wheel and they fail to do that. Nothing else.Or if I tried, and failed to install snapd on Armbian and needed support
We have general section, where such questions go: https://forum.armbian.com/forum/ ... -technical-support/ but of course you will not get my attention to solve the problem since I don't help Canonical with their stupid ideas. Edited by Bazmundi at 2018-9-9 17:32
igorpec replied at 2018-9-9 15:43
This is a general problem:
But doesn't snapd install and work on Armbian Stretch and Bionic since it's a mashup of debian and ubuntu?
So what you are saying is you are not prepared to support Armbian community?
I assume you are resigning as a moderator on Armbian because they incorporate that "stupid" ubuntu thingy.
Goodbye then.
It was so nice working with you.
Good luck on your next misadventure.
Oh and The opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth. – Niels Bohr
Don't get too excited by the last four letters ;)
Edited by igorpec at 2018-9-9 14:37
But doesn't snapd install and work on Armbian Stretch and Bionic since it's a mashup of debian and ubuntu?
Possible. It is your time investment to find out - I only gave you a hint that we provide Bionic builds which are in a better shape than original Ubuntu 18.04. We fixed a few of their bugs on the way ...
So what you are saying is you are not prepared to support Armbian community?
Our support (which is 90% our private cost) is focused and limited on the most important things - that board function works. The rest - userspace - is your problem and expense. Armbian is just cleaned, bugfixed and optimized Debian/Ubuntu with our kernel.
Out of advanced functions, which are kernel dependent, we support Docker and we simply don't have resources to deal with user(s)pace features even we would find them super useful.
You probably remember systemd community revolts. https://devuan.org/ without systemd is still a Debian.
Don't worry :) igorpec replied at 2018-9-9 21:15
Possible. It is your time investment to find out - I only gave you a hint that we provide Bionic bu ...
And yes, yawn, snapd does in fact compile on Armbian, works a treat.Good job you!
So how much Ubuntu code can you afford to give back, it being so stupid?
You know you have to give it back now, don't you.
Ambian will otherwise just be a lie.
You know you have to give it back now, don't you.
Give back what? To whom? I don't follow you here?
Ambian will otherwise just be a lie.
Lie? Where? igorpec replied at 2018-9-9 23:27
Give back what? To whom? I don't follow you here?
Canonical = Ubuntu
Armbian is described as "Lightweight Debian or Ubuntu based distribution specialized for ARM developing boards."
Break free of the tyranny!
Delete Ubuntu from Armbian or jump onto snap and steer it to a happy place like a good citizen.
Or if you feel strongly enough rip out systemd so that snap won't work on Armbian.Go your own way.
By the way, I am not sure who to thank for snapd compiling on Armbion Bionic.
You were unaware of that happy coincidence so is that Canonical/Ubuntu or Debian community that Armbian leans upon?
Good job anyway you.
I am inspired to take a copy of Armbian, fix a bug and call it Debuntu.Catchy right!?Oh...someone has already done that, dang blast it!