DietPi for OrangePi Zero H5 working on eMMC
Finally I got my OrangePi Zero H5 working with Dietpi installed on eMMCDownload the appropriate Dietpi image:
Unpack with 7zip
Run Etcher (or Win32DiskImager) to flash the *.img file to SD card
Make sure you are connected through the serial console (3 pins TX, RX, GND. Putty is your friend.)
Boot the OrangPi with the SD card inserted, it may take a while until all is finished
Configure network and perform an update
As soon as Dietpi runs stable, perform the next actions in the console :
apt-get install -y p7zip
wget '' -O image.7z
p7zip -d image.7z
dd if="$(ls | grep -m1 'DietPi_v'*'.img')" of=/dev/mmcblk2
Power off, unplug SD card, power on.
After a while the OrangePi indicates that it is running in safe modus.
"give root password for maintenance or Control - D"
log in with root account: name: root, passwd: dietpi
change /etc/fstab
sudo nano /etc/fstab
under "Internal Drives" change the two instances of:
/dev/mmcblk1P1 to /dev/mmcblk2P1
save fstab and reboot, Dietpi will run the startup script.
Finish the configuration of Dietpi.
Have fun.
To the pity there is no images on the dietpi server left, so would be a nice idea to make a local repository of some images for the people being able to download