Wifi Transmission Speed Test on Orange Pi Lite2
A new arrival of Orange Pi Lite2 just released, here is the link on Aliexpress:https://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/Orange-Pi-Lite2-H6-1GB-USB3-0-Bluetooth4-1-Quad-core-64bit-development-board-Support-android7/1553371_32849206150.html?spm=2114.12010608.0.0.4ad81a8dfrXdUa
Use iperf of 2.4GHz WIFI to test Upstream and downstream speed just shown like following:
Use iperf of 5GHz WIFI to test Upstream and downstream speed just shown like following:
How did you manage to get WiFi to work on Lite 2? The Ubuntu image on download page has problems with it right from the start.
Because You need to modify WiFi access credentials manually in file... it is not like a "power on and I will connect to anything". There are also no tools installed to manage network configuration.
It is a pretty easy way in ubuntu... use vi editor :)
I got it working but it has some kind of perfomance issues (or maybe I have no heatsink), sometimes ping jumps.. maciont replied at 2018-4-4 17:07
How did you manage to get WiFi to work on Lite 2? The Ubuntu image on download page has problems wit ...
You failed to connect to wifi? Usually the drive was load by default, maybe you could try to modify the corresponding configure file:
$ vim /etc/network/interfaces #modify this file
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-ssiduser name
bobiksons replied at 2018-4-4 19:15
Because You need to modify WiFi access credentials manually in file... it is not like a "power on an ...
Gee, I'm not THAT stupid ;) problem is that blueman had issues all the time, fixed it via intensive googling, but the WiFi doesn't work even after editing the interfaces and trying other tips & tricks :(
What are logs saying? bobiksons replied at 2018-4-4 20:47
What are logs saying?
I'll check today and let you know