OrangePi 2G-IOT: Upgrade Android on Nand
Edited by Buddy at 2017-4-24 15:26The section will introduce how to upgrade Android on Nand.
1. Prepare
An Android Image for Nand boot.
The office have provided download link for new Android Image.
Download new Image as follow:
Android on Nand
Now, utilizing Windows tools to upgrade Nand. The tools only running on windows.
The download link as follow:
2. Install upgrade tools
The tools only running on Windows, so please follow these steps.
1)Uncompress tools package.
2)Change dirent into "*/OrangePi_2G-IOT_Toolschain/USB_Driver/USB-driver". Then, According to your machine, and install 32bit or 64bit USB-driver.
3) Running "/OrangePi_2G-IOT_Toolschain/OrangePi_2G-IOT_NandUpdate_Tools/OrangePi_2G-IOT_Update.exe".
4) Click "Load BIN" to import Image that download from, follow above steps.
3. Connect OrangePi 2G-IOT
At first, we should change order of swich to select "Nand download" mode. as follow:
The switch "1234" are "UP" and "5678" are "DOWN", The jmp switch is selected "Nand".
4. Upgrade
Aftern finishing above steps, start downloading Image.
First of all, click "Download"button,
Then, hold power button on OrangePi 2G-IOT and connect OrangePi 2G-IOT to PC with an usb-cable.
The last, it will cost 4-mins to upgrade Nand, as follow:
Now, finish upgrade.
Can the tool run in windows 10. I tried but no respone on the step 4 Edited by xkremator at 2017-5-9 16:44
Windows 10 - 64
Driver is up:
Board is in:
But no progress in download:
What isthe "known good" version of Windows that works well with this firmware utility?
I've got it.
Right driver's name is:
This video was helpfull:
Where to find the driver Gadget Serial
I am using Windows 10 64bit too but still in this
and after that no running even for 10 min
The driver is the same that Buddy mentioned in post #1.
But it should be installed using "Have disk" method.
For details on how to apply this method, please, watch the youtube video.
what about linux? do you have some guide? Edited by ark at 2018-5-13 22:42
Thanks, It worked for me. I just uncompressed the tools and the downloaded android image and then run the tool and loaded the image and it was flashed at the first try.
I did not installed the usb drivers since my laptop had installed the adb and android sdk and the generic google usb drivers.
At the first time when I attached the board using usb otg cable to the laptop it was detected as Rdamicro RDA SmartPhone device in android studio, and as Android Device/Google Nexus 7 ADB Interface in the Windows Device Manager.
If matters my laptop OS is Win Vista 32bit.
As a suggestionit may be good if the build & release & kernel versions for the OS (android) was published in name or comments of the image files provided by OrangePi guys.