Debian Legacy OPi PC2 Download link?
Hi. I received my Orange Pi PC2 finally. Slow postage. I've tried out Armbian Desktop. Congratulations to the developers for getting so far on a mainline kernel!Next I wanted to try the Legacy Debian XFCE build to get some idea of the hardware's capability in Linux. The only available link is via Baidu. I can't access that, being that it wants me to install the downloader app which is in Chinese. No Google Translate for that!
Is there another place I can get it? There is no Google Drive link. Just an icon with a javascript void url.
There is a way to download it without using that baidu s****t. Google it.
I think that Debian is broken. I downloaded it and tried to unzip with winzip, winrar etc but i get that there are some missing parts.
Here is log from winzip:
Extracting file: D:\Programi\orange pi\debian\Debian_Server_jessie_PC2_V0_9_1.img.xz
Extracting to "D:\Programi\orange pi\ubuntu\"
Use Path: yes Overlay Files: no
Extracting Debian_Server_jessie_PC2_V0_9_1.img
Irrecoverable Error: Invalid compressed data stream (cannot decompress). Another word..
On desktop link from baidu i get sever version... I ended up downloading the most recent fork of the SDK from GitHub, and building it after altering all the scripts.
I tried Debian briefly and ended up reusing the SD card.
On the bright side, I can do error free builds using my installed cross toolchains on X86-64 and have prevented the script from downloading a version of them.
I have also almost got it all working from within Armbian too. It builds but I haven't changed the bootloader stuff to work yet so it fails there.
Really I'd prefer Armbian Mainline with Mali support and can't understand why it doesn't have it. It already uses fbturbo, but it doesn't have UMP compiled in. I had a quick try at compiling the Utgard drivers against the generated Armbian kernel source tree on the PC but it failed.
I know ODROID has fbturbo with Mali working on the Pine64. Same SoC so why can't we have it? I know ODROID has fbturbo with Mali working on the Pine64. Same SoC so why can't we have it?
If you want to understand why it's hard / impossible to have MALI with mainline kernel, watch this video. It's explained quite well: igorpec replied at 2017-4-5 16:11
If you want to understand why it's hard / impossible to have MALI with mainline kernel, watch this ...
That's what i was after. How to hack Android drivers. lol
That's what i was after. How to hack Android drivers. lol
Aha, you want to proceed with stock 3.10 (Android) kernel? ... good luck, you'll need it :) Edited by Giantofstone at 2017-4-17 09:31
That's what i heard, still sounds promesing but besides framebuffer i can convert android to full linux with linux deploy on orange pi. Do you know how i make framebuffer work or why it doesn't work? sell him.assuming you are one who wants a brick macchese replied at 2017-4-15 19:43
sell him.assuming you are one who wants a brick
Sell what? I'm not getting that raspberry pi router quality computer.