Screen Tearing
Hello,After all the working OS testing on my OPI PC i see that screen tearing is a big problem that has to be fixed. Otherwise a stable version of OS the cannot be released. Without it fixed i cannot use it. what are you talkiing about :dizzy::dizzy::dizzy::dizzy::dizzy: Screen Tearing sorry but i just fall from my chair
:'(:'(:'( this are tears of laughing my pants off
man read for you try to make a statement
Don't come in my way. It's not a well known bug so is has to be fixed. I haven't seen it happen on my Orange Pi PC which is surprising because I seem to be a bug magnet. Is it possible to set a vsync setting somewhere? Try a different distro like Armbian, I've yet to experience screen tearing on my OrangePi PC or on my OrangePi+ 2e, so its either Xunlong's buggy Linux builds, or a hardware defect. Probably poor quality Linux builds though. This vsync don't work, it just slows down the picture till it slips into tearing.