admin post at 2016-11-17 14:17:35

Link for Download image

Here is a new link for image downloading:
Zero/plus2/plus2e/pc plus/pc/pc2/one/lite!3k8zTAJS!7r3UXjXo3TBCAvPZs37Ivw

2G-IOT/Prime/ Win/ Win Plus/ Zero Plus2/User manual/ general tools/ mechanical drawing!9ktFnALB!jBMrRm4PaEdmmasYf1iPpg

i96/raspbian image/zero android!ICh1RD6B!q3l5uY9agbjfUsa3HYXmiw

Sort out by user:

admin post at 2017-10-20 10:44:31


Shikid post at 2017-3-3 03:14:27

You can store your image of the card with a help of Win32Diskimager - and then if you do not like armbian - flash back your previous image. or just write another SD and change them as disks

admin post at 2016-12-2 11:02:04

janche replied at 2016-12-2 10:28
Does Orange Pi PC2 images are compatible with Orange Pi PC board?

No, not compatible.

Patsie post at 2016-11-18 04:04:41

Do you also have the login credentials of the Linux images?

alexbudd post at 2016-11-18 09:59:13

For the desktop image username is orangepi and password is orangepi

HAK post at 2016-11-26 10:48:53

In the H5 folder, it looks like file H5-v1.1.tar.gzaa is missing.

Buddy post at 2016-11-26 16:34:30

Edited by Buddy at 2016-11-26 16:44

Release new OrangePi PC2 Linux Image:
And choose:


Linux SDK:

Slyon post at 2016-12-1 06:37:05

Kernel version?

janche post at 2016-12-2 10:28:26

Does Orange Pi PC2 images are compatible with Orange Pi PC board?

Buddy post at 2016-12-7 19:47:08

janche replied at 2016-12-2 10:28
Does Orange Pi PC2 images are compatible with Orange Pi PC board?

Hi friends:
OrangePi PC2 isn't compatible with OrangePi PC.
OrangePi PC2 use Allwinner H5 Soc, it's arm64, and OrangePi PC use Allwinner H3 Soc, it's arm.

Good Luck

Eduard post at 2016-12-23 16:26:14

Edited by Eduard at 2016-12-24 17:25

Good morning,

<I have a question similar to Buddy's. There are so many orange pi boards. I am looking a piècne of software to read/write the GPIO ports of an OrangePiZero. On github there is one for the OrangePi and another for the OrangePiMini. But what about the zero? Is the former or the latter compatible to the orangePiZero?>

Meanwhile this question has been solved. I took the OrangePi version. The demo program blink.c works for the OrangePiZero.

I still have one major problem; playing music with the OrangePiZero. Every hint on that item is very welcome.

Have a nice day,

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